Technology Users Interface, Inc.

Systems Integration (si)

Technology Users Interface, Inc.
Technology Users Interface, Inc.
Technology Users Interface, Inc.



Systems Integration (si)

TUI builds personal computers, and servers for small businesses and organizations. Our prices are based on the customer's needs and goals for the future. Our vendors, 3 Com/US Robotics, ASUS, ATI, Matrox, Western Digital, IBM, Microsoft, and more supply us with their top of the line products which provide the best quality money can buy.

Our software product line is inclusive of Windows 95 to 2003, Microsoft Office97 to 2003, NT 4.0, Windows Server 2003, Linux, and more. If the software you're looking for isn't on our product list, we can order it for you.

Local Area Networks
TUI sets up Local Area Networks for small businesses and organizations. Our team is experienced using a Microsoft Windows 95 to 2003, and NT Server 4.0, Windows Server 2003, or Linux platform.

If you need a hardware or software upgrade, you came to the right web site. TUI can help you understand your system(s) and help you decide which path is best for you.

If you wish to buy a system, or obtain more information about TUI's systems integration services, please contact us at



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